
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sears & Roebuck Church...

First Christian Church, Red Bluff, CA.

This church is one of the oldest churches in Red Bluff. The congregation date's back to the early 1860's.
This church was built in 1899-1900 and was a prefabricated Sears & Roebuck kit ordered from the catalogue. It was shipped around South America into San Francisco and then hauled by rail car to Red Bluff.
The pulpit, communion table with chairs are still used today they were handmade by Frank Hamilton who worked for the local lumber mill.  There are large rolling doors that lift towards the ceiling in order to allow the sanctuary to be enlarged as needed.  The large stain glass windows are impressive and beautiful. The church has a large social parlor to the left of the entry with a full kitchen behind. There is a baptism tank and choir area in the sanctuary. The old organ is still there and is played on special occasions. Several of the old gas lamps still exist.  
This is the church I attended while growing up. Wonderful memories are with me still. 
May all your Blessings come with Style...
NeeCee Signature


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