
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Charity Begins at Home...

It is the season to give & receive. This week I witnessed GIVING!
 Our nephew was asked to "do something charitable" this holiday season by his Mom. He chose to "Ring the Bell" at the local grocery store for the Salvation Army.
 It was a cold evening, but he and his friends worked their whole shift. For every donation they received, they gave out a candy cane. They had a lot of fun while raising money for their charitable cause. 
"Boys...thank you for GIVING your time to help others!" 
We met our daughter's family for dinner friday night at a local steak house. We had brought these hats (see photo below) for the girls, they LOVED them! Our  youngest grand daughter was so excited about her new hat. She told me they had donated some of their toys to a local charity for Christmas. 
She said, "Mama said if we shared some of our toys we would get some new stuff from Santa... 
Needless to say, when the girls asked to spend the night at our house, we said YES! (Who could say NO to them!)
Their brother was happy to see them go. Especially since he had a friend spending the night! So everyone was happy.
So glad the girls came over. We were able to get their parents Christmas gifts made. (Yeah, One more thing done for Christmas!)
Early this morning the view outside was breathtaking. I couldn't resist showing you the photos of the river mist and the morning sunrise.
 ENJOY the view!
 Day Break
Sun Rise in the Mist
 Beautiful in the Bitter Cold
The River Mist 
A Winter Morning
A Stylish way to start your day...

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