
Friday, December 2, 2011

I've Been Nominated for a Parenting Blog Award...

* A note from NeeCee:
An extra Te'te-a-te'te article will be posted today.
 Please read below to find out why.
I've got some great family photos included.
 I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of "STYLE"... 
On November 14th, 2011...I received and E-mail from Brittany @ eCollegeFinder. "You've been selected as a nominee for the Top Parenting Blogs Award!", I read. Wow, I thought, Me? That's nice, but I never really thought of myself or the blog as a parenting tool. WOW, that was a nice complement! So even if I don't get selected for the Top Parent Award, it has been an honor and a privilege to be  a nominee. (Google eCollege's site today and learn more)
*I would love to hear your PARENTING COMMENTS, post one today.
Read the article below:
eCollegeFinder is an established online education resource representing over 120 accredited  online institutions. They began hosting a series of Top Blogger Wards in early 2010. Winners of the Awards are listed on their website providing students with resources to help them through their college years. Their goal in hosting the award was two-fold; enriching their students and giving high-quality blogs the recognition they deserve.
It was an honor to be nominated!
Many of their students are parents (Moms & Dads) who have returned to school through the eCollegeFinder website. The Top Parenting Award was created to provide students with a collection of helpful and encouraging blogs from other parents...(in my case...a Mom & a Granny!). The nominated blogs address several issues regarding thriving through tough times, keeping a sense of humor, being frugal, or crafting. A lot of their students are working parents who are going to school while trying to maintain 
(which really means; "Trying to stay SANE")! 
WOW, and I was nominated!
(Was it the sane or the insane part that got me the nomination? LOL)
Just being considered for the "Top Parenting Blogs Award" was awesome. To know that I have made an impact enough to even be considered was humbling.
I was asked to answer two questions. They (eCollegeFinder) had guidelines; 2-4 sentences per question. WELL,... that was enough to set my HEAD spinning! YIKES! Visions of school TESTS ran through MY brain!!! Besides, I'm NOT an authority on parenting! WHAT are THEY thinking?  I can't have a SHORT conversation let alone 2-4 SENTENCES! Certainly NOTHING is less than a chapter in MY book of GAB!!!
 (I hear my family and friends agreeing with laughter!)  
"With our Grandchildren"
The Questions & Answers:
1. How would you describe your Blog to our readers?
My blog was started after my daughter's encouragement to record my recipes, home decor, my rambling advice, thoughts and stories. My only real talent (in my mind) is striving to be the BEST Wife, Mom and Grandmother I can to my family. Pine Creek Style by NeeCee reflects who I am; a Mom who likes to cook, decorate, be with and do for my family. I am an untrained, unofficial foodie, wanna-be interior designer who shares the silly, funny, serious things that life brings us.

2. What inspirational words or advise can you provide our student parents?
PRAISE as you RAISE; set standards, rules and boundaries for yourself and your family.
DISCIPLINE with LOVE; don't waiver, stand strong in your decisions and guide your children on their path of life.
Instill a YEARN to LEARN; guide them to believe in themselves so they may achieve their dreams. 
We have choices in life, RIGHT and WRONG; choose what is right, correct the wrongs and always remember...we are only human!
  NeeCee @ Pine Creek Style
"With Our Children"
There are so many things one could say regarding advice to parents.
 But, not ONE person has all the answers.  The best thing you can do, is DO YOUR BEST! There has NEVER been nor will there EVER be a perfect parent. 
I've told my kids this before; "I've never had to DO this before SO we will just have to LEARN as we go! BUT, I'm the parent and you WILL do as I SAY!" 
I have also told them;
 "This is going to hurt ME more than YOU!  AND someday YOU will understand what that means!
 I also used this one many times;
 "Blame ME, make ME the bad guy IF you need to say NO to your friends!
 I WILL always have your BACK, because I LOVE You!"
CHOOSE your battles WISELY, LISTEN with your HEART and LOVE with your BRAIN!
If you make a mistake, SAY you made a mistake! Use WISDOM, it speaks volumes of KNOWLEDGE. 
Let your FAITH be BIG! And, you will have STRENGTH to face life's CHALLENGES.
Do NOT EVER be your child's BEST FRIEND! YOU are the PARENT! 
That's why THEY call it PARENTING!!!
AGAIN, when children are teenagers DON'T be their FRIEND.
They WANT and NEED you as THEIR PARENT!    
 AND when THEY are forty (40), YOU will be their HERO!
 ENCOURAGE, (don't DISCOURAGE) your children from inviting their friends to YOUR HOME.
Be the KOOL-AID MoM or DaD of the block! Be the CHAPERON, get to KNOW their FRIENDS and THE friends PARENTS. If you do this, even their friends will think of YOU as a MOM (or Dad).
Children GROW UP to be ADULTS!
 TEACH them how to be RESPONSIBLE adults and LOVING parents who CONTRIBUTE to SOCIETY.
"Train a child in the way he should go,
 and when he is old he will not turn from it" 
Proverbs 22:6
I have rambled enough for today...
Show-off your BEST Parenting with Style...
NeeCee Signature
P.S. I tell my kids of this all the time: 
"With the whole Family"
"WE may NOT have it ALL together, BUT together WE have it ALL"
*Family photo's, property of Pine Creek Style by NeeCee

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