
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's Resolutions...

It's that time of year...
New Year's Resolutions, WE ALL MAKE THEM! But, do WE KEEP THEM?
Most people make a list (or at least a mental list) of everything they want to change or improve over the coming year. Trouble is, we attempt to complete the list, but how many of us really "do it" in the end? If we had a camera or video crew following us around 24/7  then maybe, just maybe we would complete our goals.
I love to cook, sooo, I love to eat! We are busy, busy all the time. I don't make time for Me or Exercise! (Those two things always make my New Years resolution list!) And, when I think about it..."IF" I exercised on a regular basis, that would be taking time for ME! In essence I could "kill-two-birds-with-one-stone". Mmm, something to ponder! 

I use to exercise on a regular basis, before ARTHRITIS. NOW, its hit and miss! Most of the time it's a MISS. My Doctor would be much happier if I could keep my New Year's Resolution, at least once. hubby would join me if I made exercise a habit once again. Part of a regular routine.
Instead I chant; "The Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda EXCUSE."
So, once again, I will attempt to treat exercise as my regular routine. Just like the medications I must take on a regular basis. If I can sacrifice during lent without a problem, I CAN DO THIS! Right?
 I am going to make it ME-time...that should work! RIGHT?  We'll see.....
Who knows what the future will bring. I just might "DO IT" this time... 
It could HAPPEN!
Make your New Year Resolutions with Style...
*Photos were found on Pinterest

NeeCee Signature

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