
Monday, January 16, 2012

Old Office, New Office...

My old office isn't very old! But...
 As you may know, we've been doing some remodeling projects. The laundry room is not quite finished but....ALMOST! At least it's functioning!  Any hoo, last July, I painted my office space a deep dark red! The two pictures below contained items I had on hand. I loved how it turned out!
It reflected "Cooking", which I LOVE, but I needed the desk/table in my new laundry room for folding laundry, sewing and such.
Therefore, the table was moved! In the mean time....MY office became a STORAGE area.  For the last couple of months it looked AWFUL! As each little change is made, I am slowly getting my house back! SO, I was in Pier One and I saw a CLOCK...and I fell in LOVE with the darn thing! I had to have it! It was on SALE!!! Where could I put it? My mind was racing as I decided to BUY it!!! My office was torn apart but I had a VISION! I was going to redo my office around THE CLOCK!
I love decorating around "family things" and cherished items. I also love the Paris look, which went well with the CLOCK!  My table was found at Cost Plus World Market. It was a great buy, "ON SALE" of course! It has an awesome mango wood top and metal legs, lending it an industrial look. The desk chair I had bought a couple of years ago at TJ Maxx (I have TWO!). The cheetah pillow has been waiting in the wings. The lamps were awesome, found them at TJ Maxx, had to have them!
 All these things were bought separate and/or had other purposes.
 The room came together fast.
 The wreath was a homemade Christmas gift from our son's family! I love the ragged burlap with the glittery letter. I used an old piece of muslin to tie it on the old window frame. The window frame and the two piece's of wood siding came from my Great-Grandparent's homestead. My Great Uncle had given me some wood from the house as a gift many years ago. I treasure them greatly.
A closer look...
The phone sits on top of an old encyclopedia, 1 of 2 in the set. 
 The pictures are a little dark...the best I could do...(sorry). The bricks and implements/tools on the tray (right) were found and/or given to me. 
They were from the farm/homestead.
 The books near the computer are really boxes and hold my office supplies. 
I found them at TJ Maxx.
I love MY new office.
The wall art ...
 It was fun creating a new look for my office...
The Cross is made out of nail spikes. I made the Cross very easily, by tying them together with leather. These were a part of my collection from the homestead. 
Love to show-off decor with FAMILY Style...
All of the above photos belong to NeeCee @ Pine Creek Style by NeeCee
Have a safe holiday with STYLE...
*photo from google free images
NeeCee Signature


  1. These are some wicked cool pictures of your old but new office. Your talent for remodeling blew me away. The style is so retro and creative. I like it!~

    Blake Mitchell

  2. Thank you, what a lovely comment! You flatter ME! Have a Stylish day, NeeCee
