
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Whew...I am Tired!

It has been a CRAZY the last couple of weeks!
Whew...Am I tired!
 So a couple of weeks ago...I went shopping with my daughter (Tara @ The Trendy Tree House). And...I found this awesome fainting couch. IT came home with me! It is in excellent shape, just cleaned the upholstery and it was good to go!
 GO... upstairs to my master bedroom. 
I had been LOOKING for "something" to put in front of the fireplace in my room.
 Bull Sale was the next week....hubby had promised I could buy a cowhide I was hoping to find at the trade show. 
 The first day of the Red Bluff Bull Sale I found a booth called "Branco Ranch". Kathy Branco from Chowchilla, Ca had some awesome items in her booth. 
One of them was my cowhide! I BOUGHT IT!
 I immediately went home and placed it under my new couch! YEAH!!! 
 Beautiful furniture and accessories! Worth a trip to her website listed below.
 This rack of beautiful cowhides were gone by the end of the bull sale! 
These were quality cowhides. 
Glad I got mine!
I know several people who bought items from her booth.
They too, were excited to find so many awesome items for sale.
She has some beautiful furniture!
Check out her Western Ranch furnishings at:
Now....I'm looking for cowhide pillows for the couch! 
Ring-Ring....Hello, Kathy?
 Just before (& during) the Bull Sale we had a family illness. Kept us all crazy busy and worried. But we muddled through. 
Whew! All is well NOW!
 With the Bull & Gelding Sale came lots of events, some work, 
3 sets of "Out of town house guests"....AND more! 
Oh My....
 The 2nd Annual Western Art Show & Silent Auction was held. My sister-in-law worked her tail-off putting this event together. She did an awesome job along with all of the other people who lent their talents, and a hand or two, to pull this event off! I had volunteered to help decorate and set up the show...I did a LITTLE, but not what I had planned. Of course I hadn't planned on unexpected hospital trips and worry.
Turns out they did okay without MY full time help!
Ha-Ha... LOL :)  
All of the Art was WONDERFUL! 
We have had  several wonderful comments and great feedback. This event can only get bigger and better! A great addition to the Red Bluff Bull Sale.
 A large group of people came for the wine and cheese tasting. 
There was Olive Oil tasting too! Yummy!!! 
I know everyone had a great time.
 Art, wine, cheese & olive oil tasting, nothing to go wrong here!!!
We had a lot of local items served.
 Exciting to showcase & support our local businesses, ranchers & farmers!
 I made a few pieces of jewelry for an auction/dinner and some friends.
I managed to get them all done and delivered. 
 A friend had a milestone birthday.... We celebrated Saturday night. A favorite local restaurant helped us out with a special plate. Dinner was awesome!
Thanks Green Barn!
We served the birthday boy the cookies he requested for his birthday dessert.
(see the recipe for the "Will you Marry Me Cookies" posted last week)
YES....I baked TOO!  CRAZY LADY....Shhh, you didn't hear that!
 We found a great gift for our friend....from "one fossil to another"! Ha ha!
The gift: A fossil of a dinosaur footprint from 200 million years ago!
 How cool was that??? He LOVED it!
We ate a lot of beef last week, also bought and sold a few livestock here and there. We packed the Bull Sale week full of business, fun, friends and more!
It was great and now were done. UNTIL next year!
Whew, what a week or so....Crazy busy, but WE did ALL with STYLE...
NeeCee Signature
*all photos belong to NeeCee @ Pine Creek Style

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