
Thursday, March 29, 2012

April Fool's...Better Be Ready!

April Fools update, 4-1-12
Our daughter sent this photo this morning when she served my CANDY Bacon & Eggs for Breakfast this morning....
See ALL of the April Fool's Food items below...
They were fun to make...Enjoy

April Fool's, is always fun.
 I like fun pranks not mean ones... are a few fun surprises to make "just for FUN".
When my children were small I would make "April Fool's Surprises" for them. I hadn't made these candies in years, but I saw a version of them on Pinterest.
Even though it was a different version, it was the same idea!
 What it did was remind me of silly days, teasing my kids and creating memories! 
*See my Pinterest page under "sweet treats" for this (see photo below) version and the  inspiration to make my April Fool's treats again!!!
We gave our daughter some of the bacon and egg candy for the kids April Fools morning. HeHe...HOPE she takes pictures!
This version of bacon & eggs calls for white chocolate, yellow m&m's and pretzel sticks. *Picture came from PINTEREST. Too cute!
My version of Bacon & Eggs....CANDY STYLE!
I used two squeeze bottles, some white and yellow candy melt from Michael's.
A small pot of hot water, wax paper and a cookie sheet.
 First I place some white candy melts in hot water until they melted. Doesn't take too long. While forming the candy "egg whites" below, place the yellow melts in the pot to melt.
 The faux "egg whites" don't take too long to may cool in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes if need be. Place the candy on a wax paper covered cookie sheet. 
 I haven't had a FOODIE FAUX PAS in a while...see the top left of the photo! Well...I guess the lid wan't on tight! LOL, Oh had to be eaten!!!
So....just make a little yellow dot in the center of the white candy melt and...
Taaada...Candy "fried eggs"!!  Let cool and remove from the wax paper.
The fake'n bacon is next...
 So Simple...
Tootsie Roll Mini's and Caramel Squares 
 Slightly soften Tootsie rolls in the microwave for about 4 or 5 seconds, unwrapped. *(I did two tootsie rolls at a time)
Use a small rolling pin to flatten each piece...I USE 2 TOOTSIE ROLLS AND 1 CARAMEL SQUARE PER 3 PIECES OF BACON CANDY.
Roll out oblong and layer like a sandwich.. but, not TOO thin.
Slice into 3 pieces...see below.
 Turn sideways and flatten again making a new oblong strip. 
*This method lets the candy look like real bacon.
I pinch the candy bacon slightly so it looks like cooked bacon.
I used a mini plate and a mini fork for the picture. They turned out soooo cute. AND...tasty too!
 I took some of these tasty treats to some friends to try, they LOVED everything about them. The candy was a big hit! In fact, I am making a box of these cute treats for a cousin who's birthday is on April Fool's Day! She'll LOVE them!
Below are a few more photos of April Fools Style Food...
Grilled cheese = Toasted Pound Cake & Orange frosting
 Chicken Nuggets = Mini Scones, frosted with icing and covered in Special K cereal
Baked Beans = Chocolate & Vanilla Pudding with Sugar Babies candy
Make April Fool's Day full of Style....
NeeCee Signature
All photos belong to NeeCee at Pine Creek Style unless otherwise stated.

1 comment:

  1. this was too cute! I'm definetely gonna try the egg and bacon even if april fools is long gone :)
