
Thursday, March 8, 2012

She Loved Green Milk......

"She Loved Green Milk"
*Picture found on Pinterest
I have a very good friend whom I Love Dearly...
And I miss her even more!
My friend now graces Heaven's corridors...and lives within my heart.  
*Image found on Goggle Free Images
We were PTA Mom's together, we had so much fun helping with school functions.
She had a loving heart and one of her goals in life was to be "THE BEST MOM" she could be! She was so creative, always thinking of fun things to do FOR and WITH her kids.
Picture from Google Free Images

 I knew her for about 30 years...and we had many things in common. Our birthdays were 5 days apart, our wedding anniversaries were the same day one year apart. We both had two children, a boy & a girl, same ages, same order...
We lost her almost a year ago, I miss her always.
*photo by NeeCee@pine creek style 
 As the kids grew and life took us different directions we saw each other less often. But, always picked up where we left off...when meeting up again!
So, within the first year I met her, I discovered how much she loved living life! She lived to love her family. I Totally Understand that Concept!
Every holiday she would plan something special and fun. 
*courtesy of Google images
St. Patty's Day was a favorite of hers. She loved to make Green Milk for her kids. Little things like this would bring her immense joy.
*PHOTO BY NEECEE @pine creek style
April Fools was a favorite too! If you knew her, you knew to beware on that day!
She loved practical jokes. ..."OH, the STORIES we could tell!" LOL
*courtesy of google images
Every holiday had its special treats and/or surprises, and SHE loved them ALL.
So every year at this time, I think of her & Green Milk....
Only this year I will miss her too!
She wasn't Irish but She Had Style...
Live your Life with Love, 
NeeCee Signature


  1. So sorry for your loss. Wonderful that you are honoring her memory with joyful things that made her happy!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Returning the love with Linky Follower!

  2. Thank you....She was an inspiration to friendship & family...

  3. What a nice rememberance of your friend.
