
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day to My Dad...

Dad, Happy Father's Day...
 My Dad, in the Navy early 1950's
 Dad's Family, my Dad , front row on the right.
I LOVE spending time with MY DAD!
When I was very little, I would dance with Dad. He would let me stand on his feet and he would dance around the room. 
He is a Good Man with a big heart. 
He loves to tell Jokes and he's a practical joker. 
He's always been MY Defender and MY Champion.
 I can count on him to always have MY back.
He taught Me to be "ME"!
 Dad  was stationed in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor 
My Husband and I took my parents to Honolulu for their 50th Anniversary. Dad had not been there since he left the Navy. It was awesome to hear the stories and imagine the sights through my Dad's eyes. It was a little bitter sweet for him, it was no longer the Hawaii he had known.
 Dad (on the right) and his Navy buddies
 Sitting with Dad, I am the second on the left, my sisters on his lap. 
(I always had the SUN in my eyes!)
My Dad was a volunteer fireman. I have so many memories of the firehouse, the big fire trucks, the station house dog; Sparky. I LOVED to RUN up the stairs and SLIDE down the fire pole. I would do this at least 3 times every time I went to the fire house! All the while...I was squealing with delight!
 Dad has always been slim and trim!
Another favorite with Dad...walking his mail route. Dad was a Mailman and covered the downtown route. On Saturdays &/or Summer Days; I would pack a lunch for the both of us and I would walk the route with Dad. Spending the day with Dad was special; I looked forward to those walks & talks.
On HOT days Dad would treat me to our favorite milk shake; 
Vanilla Ice Cream with Black Walnuts! Yummo!!!!
I will always cherish those days, such awesome memories. 
 I love seeing MY Dad HAPPY!!!
 Typical 1950's Sailor Boy... a smoke & a cup of Joe
 Dad (on the left) at the Pearl Harbor housing
 Dad with his first born, ME :)
My parents, sister and I. I am in Dad's arms. 
 My parents (we're on the right) and their friends
 Dad's high school graduation picture.
See the curl in the middle of his fore head? I have the same curl.
 I use to straighten it, NOW I just let the curls go all natural....
BANGS for Me?...Not worth the fight! Haha....
 My Parents wedding...
 Dad is such a good sport, he wore this bunny headband all Easter Day.
 Because K-8 LOVED it on him! It made her GIGGLE with delight.
 Dad & I headed to the Rodeo!!! 
Loved going every year...The Parade was always the FIRST stop!
Nap Time
 Dad and Bella conked out on my couch. Too cute to NOT take a picture!
Dad with his first great grandchild, K-8!
I love seeing Dad with my Kids and Grandkids!
Thanks DAD for all of the wonderful memories...
Have a Wonderful Father's Day Full of Style...
NeeCee Signature
Ps. Happy Father's Day to My Hubby & the Boys!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos NeeCee! Hope you're having a fabulous day...good news! I'm having a Swimspot giveaway for $50 to their online site...go enter if you haven't already!


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    Have a great day!!!! Kori xoxo
