
Sunday, July 22, 2012

For the Love of Hurley...

Hurley Update...
Dad & I, ready for the Rodeo (@1957-8)

This was a very BUSY week! Dad had lots of test, scans and a "port" surgically implanted. 
He did very well throughout the week in spite of the very long days.
Some tests were postponed as his blood sugars were high, but they will be completed after his first chemo therapy in early August.
The chemo will help to lower the high blood sugars. Until then he will continue to use insulin shots.
By Friday Dad was wiped out from traveling to Redding all week.
He will have about a week to re-coup before he has a bone marrow test. So that will be good!
Keep sending your prayers & good thoughts! Dad loves hearing from all of you...when he is tired it brightens his day.

Below are some of the well wishes sent last week...

We LOVE you Grand Dad from Tara, Keith and the KIDS ;)

Hugs to Hurley from Button & Jane D

Keeping you and your family in our prayers, always...Fred & Judy K.

Your Dad is on our prayer list at church...Love Annarae & Coree

Prayer's daily from the Casey's...sending our love to a wonderful man ;)

In our prayers Grand Dad, Hugs & Love from Todd, Rae and ALL the KIDS

Love and prayers from the Canada Cousins, xoxo John & Phyllis 

Hugs from your niece Nancy...xoxo

In our prayers...Rich & Diane S.

Prayers & Love from Becky & family in Washington

Keep the messages coming...
Dad loves to see and hear them!
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  1. Thanks for the info on the blog, I can keep the Canadian cousins up to date. Our prayers are with Hurley and all of the family, Love Arla

  2. In my thoughts always, prayers being sent to you with all my heart Norma

  3. Keeping up to date through the our prayers and on the prayer chain, Kurt and Kelly from PineCreek
