
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hurley Updtate for August 19th....

We are home from the hospital.....
This is Classic Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Dad was admitted last week to St. E's due to a high fever and high blood sugars. 
After 8 days in the hospital, actually two hospitals and an ambulance ride, Dad got to come home! His blood sugars were sky high but, they seem be under control. :)
He is very good about sticking to his strict diet. He is on two types of insulin and a sliding scale according to his blood sugar readings.
*Sunday A.M. UPDATE: His sugars continue to stay below 200, VERY GOOD NEWS!
He had his first Chemo treatment while in the hospital and it seems to be helping. YEAH Again!!! 
He will have another Chemo treatment next friday if all continues to be good!
Thumbs up!
"Four of 10 great grandchildren"
A big thumbs up for a big recovery! Dad had several visitors, lots of phone calls and cards this week! He Loved it ALL!
This cute teddy bear came from Grandson Todd, Rae and their kids, this past weekend. He LOVED it! But loved seeing the Kids even more!
Dad felt a lot better once he got home!!!
(pictured; Dad, Mother, Rae & Todd, oldest grandson)
Pray to....
**We will establish visiting hours as soon as we get into a regular routine. We have many Dr. & Lab appointments to work a round. And most importantly Dad needs a routine resting & nap time so he may be strong enough to fight the cancer. I will post this schedule next week.  This coming week is a little hectic scheduling the home health nurse, labs and another chemo treatment. We have also had family from out of town and out of state visiting this weekend and Dad needs some R & R just getting back home. 
Keep the prayers and good wishes coming in....Do it up right!
Do it up good with Style....
NeeCee Signature
5 more of the 10 great grand children..shown with Mother & Dad

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