
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School Tablescape & School Rules...

The return of School Days means the return of routines.
So, why not plan a "Back to School" dinner for the family.
It's a great way to re-establish the families ground rules for the school year!
 Make your tablescape all about the kids. I used children's plastic place mats with Math, History, English, etc on them. Faux apples are the name place cards, old books bundled with twine and an old school bell complete the table.
*Make your dinner conversation about school and this years expectations.
 Focus on the fun & excitement of it all.
 I used a cloth napkin to wrap around the silverware and straw, then placed it inside the drinking glass/mason jar, so it looks like a glass of milk. I also placed photo's of previous school years around the table on mini easel's. It's a great way to stimulate conversation about past school year experiences. 
* Establish or reinstate times for: Homework, Dinner, Chores, TV or Computer time, Bath time and such.
 A dinner with trivia questions is always fun! Our grandchildren beg for questions to be asked.
*Remind (or even ask) the kids what the table manners are for your household.  Enlist a game of Q & A's regarding the days events. 
Even the parents should share a part of their day.
 *Don't forget to set an after dinner chore and clean-up system.
Remind the kids you (the parents) have your jobs and School is their job, so we have to ALL help each other!
 *Encourage &/or challenge the kids to read extra books outside of school.   Start a Family Book Club, give oral book reports or have discussions on the book you have read together during dinner.
Do something different, host a picnic for the evening dinner. Spread a blanket on the floor, use paper plates and take out food! The kids will love it.
My husband traveled for business when the kids were in grammar school. We would picnic in front of a movie in the living room, just once in a while.
 Set the ground rules for sports & other current events. Dance, sports and other events are important and should be done.  BUT, don't over extend yourselves and sacrifice quality family time.
 Wonder if my grown-up children will recognize their old "first day of school" photo's on the table???
*Kids LOVE to share their school day and upcoming projects...
Showcase their homework and art work in a special place in the house.
If they Shine at home, they will Shine at school!
 **Have school clothes ready the night before, and ready to wear. This will calm the "I don't know what to wear" storm in the mornings.
Having a bathroom schedule will help too! ..."I get the bathroom first? And the... They won't share the sink" arguments may wain a little! Hehe...
I cut this cartoon out of the newspaper when the kids were still at home.
 It's a great statement that says it all! 
"I always told my Kids that school was their JOB! So therefore, they should always do their BEST! 
YOU are what you WEAR and that includes your FACE!"
Starting the School Year with Style...
NeeCee Signature
**This tablescape would be fun to do for a teacher's luncheon too! :)

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