
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hurley Update for Sept 16th....

Good Morning...I'm a little late with my update today.....
Sorry about that!
We've had a bad run of luck with wild PIGS!'s not a "the DOG ate my HOMEWORK excuse"
So...after the disaster, and clean up....I am ready to post!

 Dad had a fairly quiet week...
He saw the Home Health Nurse for the last time this week and passed with flying colors!
*She was here this past month due to Dad's hospital stay last month. 
Dad & Mother took a ride to the Cabin in Mineral this week with Bill for the day. It had been a while since they had been on a drive that far.
It was a good drive but Dad was tired!
He was also able to go to COFFEE this week...
Dad LOVES to visit with his friends
& his Hurley Girls!!!
We will have more news on Dad's progress after his October 10th Dr.'s visit.
We did get some thing's done this past week that we were very happy about...
Chemo next month will be a lot easier on Dad...We will be doing Chemo treatments, Labs and Dr.'s appointments every other Wednesday. It will make for a very L-O-N-G day. But, now we won't be going to Redding 3 or 4 days every other week. That many days in a row, at 60+ miles round trip...takes a toll on anyone!
I will also be able to give Dad his "day-after-chemo shot" at home!!!
Whoo-Hoo....WE were happy this was approved by the insurance. 
A BIG thank you to Solace Care Center for getting this done!
That was AWESOME news as Dad is usually very tired after Chemo.
Staying home the day after is a HUGE plus! 
 Don't forget it's Hodgkin's Awareness Month...
WEAR your PURPLE with STYLE...
NeeCee Signature


  1. Thanks so much for visiting Alderberry Hill
    I have switched to WordPress please visit my blog at

  2. I will! Thank you for the visit....loved your blog! NeeCee
