
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hurley Update for Sept 9th, 2012

Dad was a letter carrier (mailman) before he retired...I love the cancer postage stamps!
Dad had Chemo this week, it went very well! He has been very fortunate to have very little nausea or very many other side affects. The BIGGEST problem seems to be TIRED! And TIRED of being TIRED!
This is Dad's Chemo Cubby. We keep busy for our 5-6 hour stay. Magazines, ipads or computers, phone calls, visiting & TV. FOOD....We either bring our lunch/snack or they (hospital) will provide food, coffee and snacks.
 Dad's view from his Chemo Recliner at Mercy! He takes a few snooze cruises too!
 This is Mary, one of dad's nurse's....Everyone is so nice and helpful!
It is wonderful to have such awesome people working in the Chemo Ward. They are amazing to watch, they work well together. If you set music to their movement, it would be a symphony! The nurses are so in-sync!!! 
These are amazing nurses helping their Cancer patients (and their families) through a difficult time in their life. Thank GOD they DO what they DO!  
Mother & Dad in the Chemo Cubby. 
 It is a large room with the Nurse's station in the center of the room. There are patient area's on three sides of the Nurse's station. Each patient area has curtains to provide privacy for the patients. 
Dad and I posing for a photo!
While we wait for hours in Chemo...I have been posting a photo and info to update everyone! Dad just LOVES to hear the "ding" for all of the comments & likes on Facebook. He'll ask; "Did WE get another one? Who is it NOW?". He just grins from ear to ear when I read off the latest message. 
It's a great mood lifter, considering where we are sitting at the time!
We had 30 likes and 21 comments (at this posting) while we were waiting for time to pass!
That was awesome!
We'd love to see more......bring them on!
Show your Best Style,  Let Dad know you care...
NeeCee Signature

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