
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jeepers, Peepers...

Jeepers, Peepers, Where'd U Get Those Eyes?
I was making some framing projects a while back, see here.
A couple of my grand daughters wanted to help! Cha-Cha wanted the pin cushion frame for her sewing and crafts projects. 
Cas....WANTED something made with a frame BUT didn't know WHAT?!?
Then I had a bright idea!...
"Light bulb came on!"
Cas is always asking where to put her glasses at night.
 This cute little frame now sits on her table next to her bed. 
Ready to hold her glasses until morning! 
Cas picked out some material from my stash. I grabbed a glue stick, scissors and a couple of cup holders I had hidden away. 
And soon we were CRAFTING!!! :)
 We cut a piece of heavy cardboard, sized to fit the frame. Then glued the material to the backing. We marked the front side of the material by using her glasses as guides. Then we added the cup holders from the front (material side) through (and including the) wooden back portion of the frame. The wooden back was fairly easy to attach the cup hooks to and made everything stable.
 We placed the frame back into the frame
 and Ta-Dah....
Cas LOVES her peeper's frame!
Jeeper's, Peepers...
 Where'd You Get Your Style...
NeeCee Signature
See my Framed 2 Perfection post here!

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