
Sunday, October 7, 2012

For the Love of Hurley, Oct. 7th, 2012

 Photo by Tara @ Trendy Treehouse Blog; Hurley's granddaughter.
Dad had his CT SCAN on Wednesday...we will have the results on Wednesday the Tenth of October. 
 Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers...
while we wait for the results.
We finally received the bracelets we ordered in support of Dad and a cure for Classic Hodgkin's Lymphoma. They are pictured above, they are purple and say; "For the Love of Hurley" and "Stronger than Cancer".
Tara took a photo for her children wearing theirs. Very cute!
Dad LOVED it!  
 My Cousin Diane emailed a few photo's of Dad taken at her son's wedding a while back. I used a paint program to turn the photo into a watercolor.
I thought it turned out pretty good! What do you think?
While in Redding we went to lunch, right after his Scan. Red Robin was our choice of restaurants . Dad was very hungry since he had to fast. 
He loves the fish there and he ate ALL 4 pieces! I could only eat ONE!
After Lunch we ran a few errands, then I needed to pick up my granddaughter's new puppy from a breeder....
What a sweetheart (the dog)...It was her first separation from her brothers and a 30 minutes drive.
She was a little WHINEY!!! 

THANK YOU everyone for the messages you have been sending....We really appreciate every single thought & prayer!
Keep them Coming...
 K-8 Loves her new puppy......
AND... Baby girl LOVED her first car ride! {Dad Loved her BLUE eyes.}
It was a very busy Day!!!!
Show support for Hurley, wear your purple...
~~K-8's puppy is wearing Purple....~~
NeeCee Signature

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