
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin Bread & a Hurley Update...10-27-12

Hurley Update & Pumpkin Bread (Sugar Free)
 (Sorry the photo is not the best, we had some bright Sun coming through the window)
While at Chemo, I brought my Extra Magazine from Raley's. With the Holidays coming I have been reading & sorting recipes for the Blog and our Holiday dinners. So we took the opportunity for a photo shoot! 
 Here's Dad in his Easy-Chair getting his Chemo Cocktail and LUSTING after Porterhouse Steaks! HaHa...He looked through the whole magazine!
His Chemo went well and he is excited (and hopeful) that he has one round (2 chemo cocktails) of Chemo treatment left. After that he will have a P.E.T. Scan done and hopefully be in REMISSION!!!
The Chemo raised his blood sugars again, this happens every time, so he is working on getting it down below 200.
We need to get his blood sugars down as low to normal (70-120) as we can before the P.E.T. Scan. That test also raises his blood sugars...
SO, keep praying. And "Do it UP Good!"
The scan will give the Dr.'s the info they need to proceed with Dad's treatments. 
He has had HIVES since the last CT Scan (He is Allergic to the RED DYE). The Benedryl is NOT working well enough! At this time we are waiting for a call from the "Dr. on Call" to prescribe something that may work better! Three weeks of Hives is NO fun! They keep coming and going!!!
The next Chemo is November 7th.
Keep Praying. Dad loves all the Support he's getting!
We had an awesome response to our Facebook posting last wednesday and that is a real boost to Dad's spirits!
See My Sugar Free Pumpkin Bread & Butter below...
Pumpkin Bread & Butter recipe... 
 Pumpkin Bread:
1 sugar free Cake mix
3 eggs
1/23 cup of oil
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
1/2 cup of chopped pecans
Heavy dash of pumpkin pie spice
 1 package of sugar free butterscotch pudding
*Sugar free Icing is optional for the pumpkin bread
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes
Do the Toothpick test, checking if done
Mix everything together and place into a greased loaf pan, then bake.
Ready to Bake
Smells WONDERFUL!!!! Let cool for 10-15 minutes then turn out of pan.
Sorry I kinda of got a blur on my Close-up! Too late to take another shot! :s
YUMMY....This is GOOD!
Sweet Pumpkin Butter 
(sugar free)
Sweet Pumpkin Butter
3 cubes of softened butter
Heavy dash of Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tablespoon of Splenda Brown Sugar (you may use regular brown sugar)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla (forgot to put that in the photo...oops!)
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
Blend well...Will last one week in the refridgerator
Amazingly good on the Pumpkin Bread & other foods.
Try this butter on Toast, Waffles, Pancakes, crackers, cinnamon rolls and more!
Your gonna LOVE it!
Show your Friends and Family your
 Sweet Butter Style...
NeeCee Signature
"Pray Hard & Do it Up GOOD"


  1. I will keep your dad in my thoughts, and praying that he gets through his treatment, and emerges stronger on the other end.

  2. Thank you soooo much....that means alot! The power of prayer is strong and our faith carries us through! Support from family and friends is everything!

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog (sweet southern blue). My favorite part of blogging is meeting so many awesome people. I love your blog and this recipes lookes awesome. I love anything with pumpkin!

  4. What a sweet comment....I too love meeting so many talented people! The pumpkin bread is good! I have a wonderful Stew recipe posting this has pumpkin as a base....very, very taste testers LOVED it!, NeeCee
