
Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Special Christmas Tree for Dad...

This is NOT the post I had planned for today...but due to circumstances, things change....
I wanted to do a Special Tree for Dad this year I made my plans...
I gather just a few items to complete my mission and worked late each night to get it finished!
Dad LOVES his Tree!!!
Dad loved my colors....
Purple for Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Green is the main color for Hodgkin's & Lymphoma's.
I showed him the finished project last night and he wanted to share it on his update post. 
(Dad...this is for YOU...I Love YOU, NeeCee)
From Hurley... to all of YOU....
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
"For the Love of Hurley Tree"
My Angels are surrounding Dad's Tree with Love 
*The lighting wasn't the best but I needed to get this posted. 
 We were given this cute little Elf for Christmas last year.
 Our friend knows we love our Grapes!
They also knew I had planned to use grapes and wine bottles the next years  tree.
Little did I know that it would turn into my
"For the Love of Hurley Tree"!
**(We didn't know about Dad's cancer then...,
 or the road we would travel in 2012)
 My Dad is full of SPARKLE....SO, I added lots of BLING!
 Silver for his Hair (a beautiful silvery white) and
GOLD for his Heart of Gold!
Purple & Green to Honor All Hodgkin's Lymphoma Patients,
The word "Peace"... is MY Wish, for all Cancer patients. 
My retro Candles... "For the Shining Light of Faith & Hope".
 Love the Colors....
 The CROSS to remind us of our Strength and God's Love.
 Our Own Wine Label...which Dad loves showing off!
 Our statement of "Belief"...
Noel ...With Hope for a Song in our Hearts
The Top of Our Tree...
Conveying OUR Wish for Joy with Style...
Calling All Prayers...
For the past 10 days Dad has been fighting pneumonia, a complication created by the chemo treatment. Over these days, the pneumonia has progressed with little response to the antibiotics. Dad is a trooper and is fighting hard to recoup, he has a positive attitude!
But we need your prayers in addition to ours...
As Dad says....
"Pray Hard and Do It Up Good!"
Thank you everyone...
NeeCee Signature
Please go to my Facebook Page and Like this post....
Show your support so I can show Dad....


  1. Praying hard. We love you grandad!!! The tree is perfect!!!

  2. aw thats awesome!! love it, will you take a picture and bring a photo for him to see? I have been reaing and keeping up with you and him and think its so sweet the dedication you have for your father and how strong he is. Best of wishes

  3. Thanks Tara, Grand Dad enjoyed seeing you and the family today......he really loves that tree...I hope he gets to see it up close and personal. :)

  4. Hi Kelly.....Yes ! I took my ipad and showed Dad the blog post on his tree! He loved it....he had approuved the photos previouly.....My Dad is quite the Stylish Guy.....I learned to decorate a tree from him! Decorating the tree was always his Job! We never had the much under the tree growing up...but we always had one of the best decorated trees in town....he was very creative with his trees, especially on a budget.....he was doing a little better tonight when I left the hospital.....he has a strong will.....
