
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hurley Update.. Dec. 29, 2012

For the Love of Hurley...
I am not sure how to write or even start this post...
My heart broke December 27, 2012, the day Dad passed away.
His struggle with pneumonia was lost. He fought a valiant fight to beat his cancer only to succumb to a complication of the treatments...
Chemo Induced Pneumonia.
I had the privilege of taking care of him up to his last days on this  earth....
I could not have done it without my Brother, William!
I had days; Caring for him, Doctor's appointments and Cancer treatments. William took nights, (basically 24/7), as he moved in with our parents in order to help. 
He really did much more than that, so much more....
Brother, You are a Blessing
This last year and a half has been very rewarding and stressful for us both (William & I, let alone our parents). 
When dad entered the hospital for his longest stint, we continued our vow to be with him around the clock.  Mother and I took the long days and William took the long nights...we never left Dad alone for any length of time...
Twenty-seven days later we brought him home...
Hospice had been started 2 days before we took him home,
 much to our despair.
Dad was disappointed to have worked so hard to beat cancer only to lose the battle to a circumstance!
He fought longer and harder than anyone imagined.
The Dr's, Nurses and Hospital Staff became friends and Dad was their champion. No matter how sick Dad was, most days Dad was the hospital's entertainer....
He had an amazing ability to Gather Friends and Spread Laughter!
Everybody LOVED Hurley! 
 His High School Graduation Picture
And WHO could resist that Smile of Hurley's?
The photo on the left was taken during our College Days....Bet you didn't know My Dad was Elvis!...Haha, He was always a SNAPPY Dapper Dan! *(Dad on the Left, Me, holding my son)
The photo on the Right was taken at the Chemo Treatment Room at Mercy Hospital. That SMILE on his face, was his constant attitude!
I admired his Courage!
Dad loves his grandchildren...In this photo, he is with my Son @1976
 There is Dad wearing one of his many Bolo Ties! 
Also in the photo is my Mother (in white), my daughter, Ta'-Ta' and both of my grandmothers...His mother on the left, my Mother's Mother next to Granny. This photo was taken at the annual Round-up Parade.
 A hometown tradition for my Father...
My parents with the three oldest grandchildren... 
They have a total of six grand kids!  AND 10 Great Grandchildren!
My son is in the middle and my daughter on the right. 
(My children are the two oldest grandchildren)
My sister's oldest son is on the left.
 The mid *80's...note the sideburns have gotten smaller.....
And he has a cup of Coffee in his hand...a common occurrence for Dad, 
he LOVES his Coffee
Dad & Uncle Gary...just a few years ago
Me & Dad at the Chemo Treatment Room @2012
You DON'T see a resemblance DO You???
 And YES....I even have his famous Hurley Curl in the middle of my forehead....
As you can see I have NO bangs....
The Hurley Curl looks better on him! HaHa...
The day I cut off his remaining hair, was a tough one!
*(I quickly went to the restroom for a good cry.)
Dad was FAMOUS for his Hurley CURL.
Dad wasn't worried about his curl, he said; 
Maybe it will come back in Red or Black! 
He had been a dish water blonde before his hair turned brown then silvery white.
(The Bible says Your Silvery Hair is Your Crowning Glory)
My Cousin sent this photo taken of Dad at her Son's wedding....
It's one of My Favorites!
I have No losses...I ONLY have Gains... 
 I will miss MY Dad for the rest of MY life...He was an Amazing Man who Loved Life. He taught me so many things, and I believe I learned well. 
It is an Honor to be his daughter and to know I had HIS respect!
He gave ME the gift of Life. In return, I gave Him My Love, Respect, and Dignity for His Journey Home to Heaven...
He was an easy man to care for and it was MY pleasure, never a duty.
I am deeply sadden but I have no Loss, 
I Only have Gains!
I Am a Daddy's Girl & He Taught Me Style...
NeeCee Signature
"He's in Heaven now and Doing it Up Good"
"I Love You Dad"


  1. What a beautiful post NeeCee! I am so sorry for your loss of such a great man.

  2. Thank you Danni.....He was my first Love....That's why I am Daddy's little girl! Heaven gained another great man, in fact two great men from the same family in the same month...My dad's brother passed a couple of weeks before Dad...they were like twins. They were 18 months apart, lived across the alley from one another and when the got sick they would have their coffee over the phone , chatting from their kitchens across the way...quite a story...Thank you for your support and prayers....I love hearing from you my dear blog-land friend! ;), xoxo, NeeCee

  3. Dear NeeCee, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad and especially that you are having to go through this during the holidays. You're family is in my prayers.
