
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hurley Update for Dec. 16th, 2012

That's our LIFE these days...
We marked 23 days Saturday for Dad between 2 hospital's...
St. E's & Mercy!
Poor Dad has been on a wild ride since this all started the week of Thanksgiving. The Dr.'s are amazed with his positive outlook since he started this ROLLER COASTER ride. And AMAZED...that he is still among US!
He has been through...
He has been fighting pneumonia, his lungs have had a rough time! The left lung is completely full, the right is 1/2 full with a blood clot to complicate things. Yesterday they surgically inserted a tube to help release air that had gathered around the heart and lungs. 
Today he is breathing much easier....
A relief to us all!
He really has had a rough time of it and through it all he has never given up! A fight to be admired...
Please continue to pray for Hurley...His new goal is to be home by Christmas....
That would be a wonderful gift for him to receive. Your prayers and support have helped him this far...LET'S bring HIM home!
Below are a few photo's and things we have experienced over the past 23 days...
 I pulled into the hospital parking lot one cold morning and smiled to myself that I had gotten a great parking space...close to the front doors!
 It was cold and the rain was coming soon, a BIG storm was looming.
When I can out that late afternoon...a little after five...THIS is what I saw!
YUP...BIG TREE...Snapped right next to MY CAR! Thank goodness it fell the opposite direction from MY CAR!
Nothing like "Thanking My Lucky Stars" and having the right kind of LUCK that day! Whewww! 
 I took this photo Thanksgiving Morning of the river & fall colors from my back porch. Dad loved this photo...So we had it printed on Canvas and brought it to the hospital!
 Look at the difference just a week later! This was taken about the same time in the morning...BUT it was storming!  AND...a tree had fallen! See the one in the middle of the photo! What a shame, a beautiful big oak!
I told Dad he now owned an original photo (the before photo)... AND it must
be WORTH MORE because it will NEVER look the same! He grinned!
While sitting for hours at the hospital, I have filled my time with signing Christmas cards and such!
Dad has daily goals written on the white board in his room, provided by the nurses. Today he sat up in a lounge chair for 1 hour! That was HUGE, since he had only sat up two times before, for a much shorter period of time.
He has been gravely ill for too long!
 This is the scene outside Dad's hospital window. It tried to snow today!
It was COLD!!!
Grandson Seth brought a present to the hospital for dad...
Dad had wanted a Manzanita Christmas Tree this year.
In 1963 we had a Manzanita Bush as a Christmas tree! Dad had had a serious neck and back surgery and our family couldn't afford a traditional tree. He had to wear a heavy brace from head to hips for months! So when Christmas came, Dad went and cut a manzanita bush and decorated it with faux snow and blue bulbs. We thought it was one of the BEST Christmas Trees EVER!
Seth did a wonderful job getting a tree ready for Dad!
We had a lot of sun coming through the window so the tree looks a little dark. Mother decorated the tree with blue bulbs and blue lights....
We took a photo with the cell phone so we could show Dad!
He Loved It!
Our Christmas Wish is to bring Dad home....
Please say your prayers for Dad and if you see this on my Facebook page, "like" if you said a prayer....  :)
We read Dad all the comments and tell him of all the likes!
Help Dad Reach His Goal with Style...
Pray Hard & Do it Up Good!
NeeCee Signature

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