
Friday, February 14, 2014

Vows, Honors & Blessings...

A Valentine's Re-Post....
We recently renewed our Vows in Hawaii....

We were Celebrating 40 years of marriage...
We wanted to Honor Our Father's in a special way...
This was Our Way... 
My Dad and I on the left...Hubby & His Dad on the right
We wanted to Honor our Fathers as a part of our Hawaiian Wedding.
My Dad had been stationed at Pearl Harbor & Barber's Point...Hubby's Dad had spent time on the Big Island during his Military Service.
 The Chairs & Leis were placed at the Wedding in Honor of Our Fathers who have passed on.
It was very important to us to honor them in this special way....
 Our very good Friend & Hawaiian Sister; Debbie arranged everything...including our wedding! She had a beautiful box for our Dad's Leis.
 Our Hawaiian Sister...
She is amazing....We can't thank her enough...
She presented Us with the Leis after the ceremony!
*(I will be posting our Wedding and the rest of Our Story when I receive all of the photos)
 Standing on the Lava Bed...we ask a couple taking a walk to snap a photo for us...
Later, after the wedding, Hubby and I went down to the ocean to send off our Dad's Leis. 
I Love this photo...
My husband is throwing the Leis into the Ocean...
When you throw a symbolic Lei into the Ocean;...
 if it stays and floats in the are receiving approval from your loved ones who have passed on.
"Our Dad's Leis danced on the water before our eyes!" And we smiled through our tears...
Watching the Leis in the water...
Then we read our personal Vows to each other...
 My Husband read his first...
 Then, I read mine...
*(I took photos of our wedding leis on the beach and used them as the background for our vows)
This is a photo of our Shadows (on the Lava Bed) while we watched the Leis dance on the water...
"The Leis dancing on the Water"
If you look closely you will see the purple leis...
The view from where we tossed out the Leis...
Ko Olina Beach Club Resort is to the right.
"Celebration & Champagne"
A photo after the wedding with some of our Hawaiian family,
Debbie, Me, Hubby & Shane
We were married on the grounds at Ko Olina near the ocean.
Our Wedding Dinner was at Roy's located at the Ko Olina Golf Club...
Our friends made sure we were very spoiled at dinner!
 We had a wonderful Wedding & 40th Anniversary Celebration.
As I said earlier in the post...I will share Our Wedding as soon as the photo's arrive....
We were Blessed...
We Watched the Leis Dance upon the Water with Style...
Here's to another "40" my love...
*All photo's are property of NeeCee@Pine Creek Style 2013

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