
Friday, January 24, 2014

Pack'n Up Christmas...

For years, before storing Christmas items, I covered my Christmas trees with a plastic paint drop cloth & an old sheet. This year I decided to shrink wrap the Trees...
This idea worked great! I left some of the larger ornaments, decorations and garland on the tree. I packed anything that was delicate or glass. I figured that next year, I could change or add as I set up & decorate. Here is what I used & how:

  •  Plastic paint drop cloth; Cover the trees and tape in place. This will protect your items left on the tree. *Items won't stick to the plastic like they will with the shrink wrap. The plastic drop will preserve your items in mint condition.
  • Shrink Wrap; Wrap the tree from top to bottom. I actually started in the middle of the tree and worked up and over the top of the tree. Then I wrapped back down the tree, continuing down to the bottom. Cut wrap if needed, where you need. What is awesome about the shrink wrap, is you can stretch it to tighten the wrap & secure without using additional tape. It sticks well to itself. I also went under the tree to in close the bottom boughs.
  • Scissors & tape, use as needed
  • Cover the tree with the wrap by overlapping the layers. This will make a stronger cover.
  • Next year, simply cut the shrink wrap off and throw away. Straighten & rearrange your tree as  desired.
Just a note: Our trees were easier to move out the front door to the garage, due to the shrink wrap. The tree was tightly contained within the wrap. It was smaller in circumference, allowing it to fix through the front door with ease.  A Big Plus...My trees are 8 & 9 feet tall, one skinny, one fat!

Next year I can leave the same garland on the tree or change to a new look. In any case, I would rather redecorate next year than totally " un" decorate now!  
Simply Pack'n Up Christmas with Style...

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