
Monday, May 19, 2014

Build Your Own Sandwich Bar...

Here is a very simple way to serve large crowds....With all that Summer time brings....Graduations, Swim Parties, Birthdays, Holidays, Wedding activities, etc....This Build your own Sandwich Bar is an easy solution! Easy to set up, serve & clean up! It lets you enjoy the Part too!
 We recently had a small family gathering (only half the kids). We hosted a smaller version, trial run meal for an upcoming graduation party next month. It worked out perfect...Now we are excited to plan & host the graduation party! Here is what we did:

Determine the amount of people you plan to serve. I based the sandwiches on each person...
Men & older male  teenagers: 1 1/2 -2 sandwiches a piece
Women & teen girls: 1 sandwich per person
Children: 1 small sandwich per person

For Example:
3 loaves of French Dutch Crust bread..sliced in half, then sliced across into sandwich size pieces. a few were then cut in half again creating a child size sandwich. We had 10-12 people we served.
With a few left overs for later....

For the sandwich bar we included in this order:

  • Paper Plates, Silverware & Napkins
  • Sliced Bread on a platter (I use dutch crust, you could also mix bread choices, wheat, hite, sourdough, etc.)
  • Select meats from the deli, sliced thin. For our crowd we chose Turkey=1/12 pounds, Ham=1 pound, Olive Loaf= 1 pound.  We had had plenty of meat.
  •  3 types of cheese. I used Jack, Cheddar & pepper jack ( for a large group have the cheese sliced ahead of time)
  • Lettuce, washed and sliced, sliced tomatoes, sliced dill pickles & olives
  • Potato Salad ( for a larger party I would serve a 2nd salad choice)
  • 2 kinds of chips
  • 3 kinds of cookies
  • Mustard & Mayo in squeeze bottles. Horseradish Mustard, Avocado Dip/Spread & Asparagus Dip/Spread , Salt & Pepper, Vinegar & Oil or a Basalmic Mix in bottles.
  • Drinks should be in bottles & cans for easy serving and clean up...use Cups if you wish.

Everyone started at the plates and worked around the bar (or table) gathering their choice of ingredients. Each ingredient had food tongs & spoons for serving. This went extremely smooth and soon everyone was sitting and eating together in no time.
 An easy meal & gathering, enjoyed by all! We will be doing this for our Grandson's 8th grade graduation! At this time of year, it will be nice to not cook & heat up the kitchen...Or worry about 1 or 2 people constantly cooking over the BBQ......Party On......
Serving the Masses with Ease & Style....
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