
Monday, October 15, 2012

My Daily Workout Diary...

Well...I started my Workout Diary!
 Yes, I did!
 I started with keeping track of my food, blood sugar's and my workouts!
 Then we went to Indiana on a business trip!
 Went to the Colt's vs Packers game....
 Ate at Shula's....YUM! 
Yes, I was good!
Diary entry:
Petite Filet Mignon 
Mixed veggies & a small Caesar Salad
AND yes, a sliver of NY Cheese cake, no sauce
The food was VERY GOOD!
 AND....I took my deck of cards!
A deck of CARDS?
YUP! A DECK of Cards....My traveling exercise program!
My son taught me this workout, years ago, when he was home on leave from the NAVY!
SO...I did okay away from home.
I stayed on track. YEAH for Me :)))
Down 4 pounds!
 That diary just may be working....Or WAS it in the CARDS?
"Traveling & Working Out with Style"...
NeeCee Signature


  1. It’s good that you thought of keeping a record of your workout routine! It’ll make a good remembrance of how you were before up to the present. What made you decide to be a healthy buff? Keep up the good work!

    -Ginette Harmon

  2. Ginette, Before 3 types of Arthritis began I was very active....bodybuilding, hiking working out on a regular basic. i love serveral sports too....but 13 years ago i hit a brick wall and came down with 2 types of RA and osteoarthritis.....i hate being inactive! Now that my RA is in remission and I have gained some strength back....I need to return to my former health...for my health. So...I am trying....but its alot harder when I have been reduced to a wimp, gotten a lot older and have gained weight! But plug on I will.....thanks for stopping hearing comments.....NeeCee

  3. I have some time since i'm thinking seriously about a workout journey. Your post really determined me to begin it and i will do it from tomorow.
    myroona@building muscle mass
