
Friday, January 10, 2014

Lemon Vodka Crumb Cake...

A Foodie Faux Pas for sure....I was baking desserts for New Year's Eve. Everything was going perfect, the kitchen aroma was heavenly. The cakes were looking awesome! My Vodka Lemon Cake had been requested for the evening by my sister-in-law. So the timer went off...I pulled out the Lemon cake and was surprised to see it had shrunk in height! Hmmm, I let it cool! My little voice in my head was screaming...."It doesn't look right!" Fast forward...YEP! Stuck to the pan!!!! Oh MY,what Do I DO?
Sooo, in talking to myself...I am Telling ME to not panic! I didn't have time to re-bake the cake!

Solution found! The CAKE was a hit! Everyone LOVED it!...Lesson Learned....Use a product you KNOW!
Next the NAME brand, experiment when you are NOT sharing a recipe with the WORLD! Heehee..... When you are given Lemons, Make Lemonade! See how I went from 0-to-60 and did a quick fix below......
Lemon Vodka Crumb Cake

  • 1 Lemon cake mix;, make as directed except replace half the liquid, milk or water with Citrus Flavored Vodka
  • After mixing the vodka, eggs, oil or butter, etc. mix well and bake according to directions in a prepared baking dish at the required temperature & time. (My recipe called for two eggs, 1/2 cup of butter, milk; I used whipping cream.)
  • When done, let rest for 15-20 minutes before turning out
  • Since the bottom of the (my) pan stuck...I improvised and came up with a new plan. You can easily improvise any recipe to adapt, stuck or not! My cake was not burnt, just stuck! I don't know why???
  • Place the loose pieces back onto the top of the cake. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of flavored Citrus Vodka over the top of the cake. ( If cake is in one piece, just drizzle! Heehee)
  • Spread a layer of Lemon Curd over the top of the cake, like you would frosting. But only on the top of the cake.  *(I had placed my cake in a shallow casserole dish to help hold the pieces together.)
  • Blend together some powder sugar & a small amount of Citrus Vodka to create a thick sugar glaze. Drizzle the glaze over the top of the cake. Let stand for at least an hour to let the glaze set.
Serve the cake either by slicing like a cake or with a spoon/ice cream scoop & a dollop of Brown Sugar Cool Whip on top. *(Brown Sugar Cool whip is just that, blend in a small amount of brown sugar into the cool whip to flavor). This cake (even though it stuck to the pan) was full of flavor and was the talk of the evening! Hands down, everyone agreed this cake was amazing. The cake was moist and packed full of flavor! Two weeks later, I'm still getting compliments on the Lemon Cake. Haha and no one knew I had had a foodie faux pas with the cake...until now anyway! Heehee

Making Lemons into Lemonade with Style,

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