
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pine Creek Style's New Office...

I finally have an office to call my own! It's  just a little space inside my upstairs Studio Apartment, but it's all mine! This space has been in disarray for-well-ever! We have been building Ornery's Office and have had all the extra furnishings stored and stacked in My Studio! So the first step in reclaiming my space was my office space! This Style Queen is happy! I would love to hear 
your thoughts......take a look....

This is a small little office off of the small living room /media area in my Studio apartment. Kind of the size of a small walk-in closet! Many of my furniture pieces are furniture redo's of mine, mixed with pieces we've had for-ever-&-a-day! Eclectic to say the least! I call it my "Cowgirl Shabby Chic Bling Bling Look".....After all,  I am Ornery's Cattle Queen !!!
 I had acquired Ornery's Oak bookshelves from his old office. They are big and took up a big bit of the room. But, I needed them...I have a huge cookbook collection. My desk is ...half moon shape! Sooo...I tried the 3-D look, placing it on the outside of the room, while the seating is inside the room! I loved the look! It gives a boring room some character.
 Since the desk had a 3-D look...I decided to frame my Steer Head! Love, Love, Love it! I also had an awkward fuse box on the wall that could not be covered up gracefully...So, I framed it too! I used an old window frame from my Great Grandparents homestead! Awesome! I love using "family things" to decorate, blending old & cherished with new & stylish!

The room had been painted a deep red...there were some marks and nail holes. I didn't have time to patch & paint. My solution was to sandpaper  the paint in those areas and even add a few more spots! Strange I know, but it looked old and worn, yet subtle & not overbearing.  Perfect...I love it! (Besides, I figured I could always paint if I had too!) I also distressed the door frame with sandpaper and used some stain over the top to age the look! When the stain dried, I used a wood wax to seal the finish the project! It was the perfect finish to the room!
 I added my topiaries here & there and a few other cream colored  items. I had a broken I used the two pieces for the decor on the top of the bookshelves. The blend of colors; creams, gold, silver and the old & new worked beautifully.
 I will distress & the remaining wood work through out the Studio as I finalize each area! For now you can see the differences between the woodwork.
 Sections of the room up close!
 I love my Steer & the Bling I added!
The photo tease I posted on PineCreekStyle's Facebook page....Don't forget to visit there also...I do post some items there that I don't on the blog! Make sure you LIKE the page & Share with Style! Would love to see over there too!

Later, I will be decorating the REST of the Studio....Including a small Media area for the two of us, there's  a small upstairs studio kitchen, I use for some of my recipes & crafts, along with a couple of work stations. It's our go-to-&-relax room!
Enjoying My New Office with Pine Creek Style...
 photo photo-12_zpsb1f5b574.jpg

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