
Monday, July 21, 2014

Coffee Up & Carry On...

Coffee Up & Carry On... I love my Coffee...But I'm NOT like most people nowadays! I like My Coffee...Strong & Smooth yet Bold,  and most of the time.... Straight up, Black no Cream or Sugar! Now my Dad on the other hand, he had a little Coffee with his COW!!! I use to tease him that I took after the Norwegian side & and he took after the Scottish & British side! His coffee looked more  like tea with milk! I've got a couple of great Coffee recipes below for you to try below....
This is a special Photo....Ornery's Dad is second from the right! Taken during a cattle drive. The saying is a spin off from what my Dad shared with me one morning a few months before he died!
*( See the bottom of this post for that poster & previous post)

Irish Coffee Cocktail
4 ounces of Strong, Rich Black Coffee
1 ounce of Irish Whiskey
2 teaspoons of Brown Sugar
1 shot of Rich Whip Cream, *optional 
*Again, I rarely add the Cream!

 This is what MY coffee usually looks like....YUM, that Irish Coffee is good!
Irish Coffee Ala mode 
12 cups of brewed Strong & Rich Coffee
12 ounces of Bailey's Irish Cream
1 pint of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Brown Sugar for Garnish
Fill each Coffee Cup with a scoop of Ice Cream 
Add 1 ounce of Irish cream over the top of the ice cream.
Pour 1 cup of hot brewed coffee over the top & serve!
**Brown Sugar Sprinkled over the top as garnish, optional
Makes 12 regular cups or 6 extra large cups

 This is what my Dads coffee always looked like! 
 Caramel Coffee Latte
1 cup of Strong Black Coffee
1 heaping tablespoon of Caramel (Ice Cream Topping)
1 tablespoon of Brown Sugar
A big splash of Heavy Whipping Cream
Serves one!
Dad & I were having coffee with his friends one morning. As his friends were leaving, Dad leaned over and said to me in a very solemn tone the statement listed below. Dad's words sounded so serious, they caught me off guard. It made me feel so sad, yet strangely closer to him in that moment of time. I was so sad, that I felt a chill of doom! Very unsettling for sure!  He usually was the jester of the crowd. Dad had been sick lately, and soon after, we found out he had Cancer! He passed away that year at Christmas. He left his mark on this world & my Heart!
~ ~ ~

Enjoy Your Coffee with Style...
 photo photo-12_zpsb1f5b574.jpg

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