
Monday, August 18, 2014

Plum Liqueur, Homemade...

We had quite a few plums from our tree, the first crop! Of course, recipes of  sugar plums danced in my head! This is a great homemade infusion for use when baking recipes or making cocktails....The Plum Liqueur is also a great gift...The Holidays will be approaching soon...
 The Recipe...

Plum Liqueur:
  from PineCreekStyle

  • 500 ml of unflavored Vodka
  • 250 ml of Brandy
  • 1/4 cup of Simple Syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of fine sugar
  • 3-4 cups (depending on size) of plums, wash, cut in half & remove pits 

  1. Prepare the plums, place in a plastic zip lock bag 
  2. Pour the Simple Syrup over the top of the plums, seal and place bag in the refrigerator over night or for at least a couple of hours.
  3. Next Day (or later in the day) using a large vessel, such as an Extra Large Mason Jar,...add the soaked Plums. Then pour the Vodka & Brandy on top of the fruit.
  4. Add the extra fine sugar.
  5. Tighten the lid to the jar and shake gently. Place in a cool dark area such as a shelf or counter top for up to 30 days! *I prefer to keep mine in the refrigerator, but that is just my preference. 
  6. During the infusion time, gently shake the jar every 1 - 2 days. Taste every so often, so you may decide how long you want to retain the fruit.
  7. When the infusion has reached your desired taste, drain the liqueur into another vessel. Place the fruit onto cheese cloth,  draped over a sieve. Place the sieve over a bowl or pitcher to catch excess liquid. Press the fruit, wrapped in cheese cloth, into the sieve and squeeze the remaining juice/liquid out of the plums. Repeat until all of the plums are pressed. Throw away the spent fruit. Using a smaller sieve/filter pour the squeezed fruit juice into the rest of the Plum Liqueur.
  8. The Liqueur is now ready for use. 
  9. Store the Plum Liqueur in the refrigerator, until needed.
I use this Liqueur for cooking & baking, grilling sauces, cocktails or as gifts at the Holidays.
Easy to make! And adds a wonderful flavor to your recipes.
Infused with Style...
 photo photo-12_zpsb1f5b574.jpg

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