
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Paniolo Bites...

We recently traveled to the Kona Coast on the Big Island for a family wedding. A few days after the wedding "the cousin's" gathered together for quite dinner, mainly to visit with each other!

Casual Taco night was the theme! We laughed because the Alaskan Cousins invited the California Cousins to a Mexican Taco dinner, while visiting Hawaii...! :))) What a great evening, everyone had relaxed after the wedding preparations & ceremony. We shared amazing food, good Hawaiian beer & great conversation! It had been WAY too long since we were all together!

Here is the appetizer, Ornery & I brought to the Party!...It was a huge success and so simple to make quickly! And YES, I have been known to cook on vacation! :)))
 Paniolo Bites:
  from PineCreekStyle

Note: **We were away from home and not near your typical grocery store. So we adapted! At dinner the night before Ornery and I ordered a side dish of short ribs. Yum...cooked to perfection! We bought corn chips, sour cream and some spices at a little convince store. The next day while at lunch , I spied Nachos on the menu....So, I ordered a couple of sides of JalapeƱos to complete my appetizers.  Oh and we had a refrigerator in the room!!!
I am resourceful, when I need to be! A new appetizer was born!


  • Corn Chips. Triangular shape with a larger, sturdy surface...*this is your base for the individual appetizers
  • Short ribs, or a meat of your choice, cooked well and fork shredded
  • Sour Cream, 1 heaping teaspoon per corn chip
  • Hawaiian Chili Seasoning Salt, in a grinder
  • Hot sauce for drizzling....
  • JalapeƱos  for topping **Optional: I also used some cooked carrots that were included with the short ribs! Just slice and place on top.

  1. Slightly warm the meat and/or carrots to take the chill off
  2. On a large platter, place several corn chips for individual appetizer bites
  3. Add one heaping teaspoon of Sour Cream per corn chip
  4. Next, place some shredded beef on top
  5. Top each appetizer with a Jalepeno, Carrot or both...
  6. Grind the Hawaiian Chili Salt, coarsely & lightly over the top
  7. Sprinkle or drizzle the hot sauce across the top of everything!
  8. And....Serve with Style!
I named these appetizers "Paniolo Bites" because the Hawaiian Cowboys are fondly referred to as Paniolo's.  It was only fitting, since we were staying near the Up Country on the Big Island! And yes, we saw plenty of Hawaiian Cowboy's & Horse trailers...This Up Country Cali Girl loves Hawaii! :)
 Dinner with the Cousins.....So Ono!
On a side note: We  also enjoyed a drive up to the Volcano...Although, we could not get too close... There's a portion of the volcano erupting...RIGHT NOW! It was a great day, hiking through the lava tubes and driving through the clouds on our way back to the hotel! Ohhhh, the pictures we took! Amazing!
Ornery & I were so blessed to be invited to our baby Cousin's Wedding Celebration
...It was all done with Taste & Style...

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