
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mac 'n Cheese Bites...

These are so simple and tasty! Adults and Kids alike are going to love these!
 Mac 'n Cheese Bites
   from PineCreekStyle

Easy Peasy!


  • Mac 'n Cheese, cooked,  leftovers or fresh, 2 tablespoons per wrapper
  • Won Ton wrappers, 1 per Mac Wrap
  • Olive Oil fro frying
  • **Add Bacon or Ham for added tastiness !!!

  1. On each wrapper place 2 tablespoons of cooked Mac 'n Cheese
  2. Fold like an envelope and roll shut
  3. Fry in Hot oil on both sides till done
  4. Remove "Bites" from pan and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil
  5. Serve!.....
Dip in Cheese Sauce or Garlic Alfredo Sauce for extra goodness!
The Kids are going to love these!!!! Great for appetizers too!
Tasty & Full of Cheesy Style....
 photo photo-12_zpsb1f5b574.jpgEnjoy!

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