
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hurley Update for November 25th, 2012

Hurley Update....
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
We had a busy week....
As some of you know....We took Dad to the ER at St. E's on Monday! He was feeling very weak and had a fever. Any time he reaches 101 or higher we need to go to the ER.
 SO, Monday we went....They kept us there for about four hours and then sent us home with antibiotics for a possible lung infection. 
On Wednesday we went to our regular Dr. appointment and they decided to postpone Dad's Chemo therapy appointment. Dad was disappointed, but he was TOO tired to argue to loud!
We set an appointment for his PET Scan on Tuesday of the next week. (He has not had one due to the high blood sugars. Everything was based on CT Scans & Tests)......
Then...We went to the ER on Friday due to high fevers AGAIN!
This time they decided to admit him to St E's at his Dr.'s (Cancer Dr.) request! He is on IV antibiotics, which are stronger the pills he was given previously.
At this time he is still at the hospital due to a roller coaster fever.
He was NOT happy! But YA Do what YA Gotta Do!
So NOW, we have the PET Scan scheduled for before..... And an appointment with the Cancer Dr. on Friday afternoon, as scheduled.....
Please Pray we are able to stay on track and meet these appointments!
He may need a break from the Chemo.
The pneumonia is either...Pneumonia, plain  and simple or it may be caused by the chemo treatments and/or possibly the cancer.
So Please Pray Hard & Do It Up Good....We would love to have Dad get back on track ASAP!
We should have some better news for you next week after we see the Dr for the results of the PET SCAN!
Keep the Well Wishes and Prayers a coming our way!!!
Dad's counting on YOU!
The POWER of Prayer & Hope w/Style...
NeeCee Signature
PS...Happy 4oth Anniversary of OUR Engagement to My HUBBY!!! xoxox :)

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