
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cranberry Chili Sauce for Meat...

Oh MY Gosh....One taste of this sauce is like heaven to the tastebuds! Kid you NOT! The very first bite of our Meatballs soaked in this Cranberry Chili Sauce was home cooking bliss! The cranberry is mild yet tangy...mixed with the chili was just the right amount of spicy,  with a light sweet taste! The perfect blend.....       This recipe is so simple, yet BIG on taste!
Cranberry Chili Sauce for Meat...

1 Jar of Chili Sauce, *I use Heinz Chili Sauce
1 package of dry brown gravy, (do not add water), I used Knorr's brand
4 ounces of cranberry sauce *(I opened a large can & froze the remaining cranberry sauce for later use)
1/2 cup of water (add more water if needed, in small amounts)
Lightly season with Pine Creek Seasoning (recipe here) or garlic pepper
2 tablespoons of Soy Sauce
2 green onions sliced thin, reserve and fold in after sauce has blended and melded together.

Place all ingredients in a sauce pan, blend with a wire whip/whisk, cook until heated through.
Stir in the green onions, then add your cooked meat: meatballs, cocktail weenies, sausages completely,  covering the meat with the sauce....OR...Brush on sauce for ribs & chicken....
*(I used my meatloaf recipe for the meatballs, (see the recipe here)
So Easy & Simple....The taste is amazing! You may want to double your recipe!
Ornery & I took ONE bite and knew we had a WINNING Recipe!

Where did I get this recipe idea? A very good friend...Dave S., had posted a recipe on my personal Facebook page....It looked & sounded amazing...BUT I didn't have all the ingredients on hand! Sooo... I went to my "Mother Hubbard Cupboard" and started pulling things out....And the recipe was born!
Thanks Dave for the great idea! PS...This was so good I was messaging Dave the minute we finished dinner! YES...Teasing him....Now, I owe him a taste of the next batch!.... heehee

This Sauce is big on Taste & Style...
 photo photo-12_zpsb1f5b574.jpg

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