
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gather & Give Donations Before Christmas...

 When our children were small we would take time to clean out the toy box, closets and drawers before Christmas. 
DON'T panic, I don't mean a major cleaning. :)
 We would sort gently used clothes and coats for anything that was too small. We would make a pile, bundle them up and set them aside for a needy charity.
 Next we would tackle the toy box!  Anything that was broken would go into the trash. Then the kids would sort the good toys that were left.
 They made two piles; KEEP and GIVE-AWAY!
We explained that Santa would take the old toys and make them new again for lots of girls and boys. 
"We" were helping Santa and his Elves keep lots of toys stock piled in 
Santa's workshop. 
"Santa always needs MORE toys for his BIG RED SACK!" 
The kids were always EAGER to CLEAN out the toy box and send them to Santa.
They knew "if they were good,"... Santa would bring THEM new toys!
"My plan worked like a CHARM!" :)
It was so nice to complete this chore before MORE toys arrived! :)
Don't forget to sort the BOOKS too!
Take a quick trip through YOUR closet for gently used COATS, SWEATERS & SCARVES to donate. Shelters, Churches, Schools and/or Dry Cleaners usually host "Winter Coat Drives" for Charity's during the winter season.
And don't forget the PANTRY! Gather a grocery sack (or two) and donate canned food to a local FOOD DRIVE or SHELTER.
It's a great way to teach children to be charitable.
Donate to Charity's with Christmas Spirit & Style...
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