Recently, We engaged a Web Designer to help us refresh our Blog. Below is the design Brooke at Uplifted Design presented to us. Hubby & I approved the look right away! We loved that she listened to our wants & needs. We really wanted to appeal to both Men & Women. We were pretty happy with the new design and hope you are too! We would love to hear your comments....
Awesome news: Recipes will now have a print option...
Read more below...
Along with the New Design are the new Labels...Each Label has a description about that section and what you will find there. The "About Us" section has already been refurbished and you will learn more "About Us" than maybe you want to know! Ha ha! And... How Hubby got his moniker... "Ornery"! His preferred nickname...
"Home" of course will take you to the current Home Page.
"The Recipes" will explain our style of cooking and why... As you know we do a lot of Semi-Homemade for the convenience of a busy life style. there are a few recipes that will be more detailed. And of course, we will share our Branding, Ranch & Celebrations too!
"Cooking & Household Charts" will be the place to go for Measurement Charts, Cooking Terms, Baking times, Kitchen List of Essentials & such....
"The Opinionated Palate" is a positive side of our Opinions...Whatever it might be....It's also a place to post any Foodie Faux Pas! And YES, They DO happen! You never know WHAT we may post here!
"The Table & Such" will cover anything & everything between TableScapes and Parties of any kind!
"The Ranch Life" is just that, Life on the Ranch. Lots of photos, a few posts & recipes about Ranch Life in general.
And of course the "Terms/Disclosure & Contact" Labels are still the same.
The Face Book Page will basically stay the you will want to check there often. You will find, food, crafts, furniture redo, opinions & remarks from me...NeeCee! You never know when I will pop in over there to add something NEW! And, yes the posts from the Blog will post there also....
Keep in mind we will be busy converting all of our posts in order to work with the new program. It will take some time, unfortunately there is no easy way to make the switch over. So I ask for your patience. If you need a recipe and you can't find it, please message or email me and I will send it to you. Thank you in advance for understanding.
PLEASE remember... Show your STYLE and TELL all your friends about Pine Creek Style....and don't forget to SHARE my recipes & posts....I would LOVE to BOOST my Readership of Friends!
My Readers have Style...
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