Crafty Weekend with the Grand Kids...
We had the Grand Kids overnight Friday and all day Saturday! I had planned a few crafts to get done....and occupy kids too! I had seen some of these ideas on Pinterest...see my Pinterest Button, look under Great ideas & Holiday Decor.
We had fun and spent the WHOLE day making and having FUN!
We had fun and spent the WHOLE day making and having FUN!
The 1st project was...
Match Sticks...always be prepared! See the project below...
Put match sticks in a jar, add a sandpaper striker on top...ta-daaa...
It's that simple. An old idea with a new look!
Simple supplies.....
Our grandson traced the jar lid on the sandpaper then cut them out to fit the jar lid.
We filled the jars and topped the lids with a sandpaper striker.
We made tags with special messages and used twine to attach them to the jars.
These are great gifts for Father's day and birthdays to use for Camping, BBQ's and more.
Next was.....
The St. Patty's Day gifts we made...
Project #2
A Breakfast for little Leprechaun's....
Project #2
A Breakfast for little Leprechaun's....
1 package of Lucky Charms cereal per gift, ribbon, tags and four leaf clovers.
I served some of these cereals treats to the kids when they came downstairs for breakfast. SO..., above are the supplies we used!
The little girls helped make some of these gifts for their cousins.
The 3rd project...
"Lil Pots of Gold"
"Lil Pots of Gold"
Some buckets from Michael's, Gold coins, Easter grass (I used brown) and ribbon.
A little pot-of-gold for the Grand Kids friends to enjoy.
This was super easy and fast!
A Rainbow & Pot of Gold in a bag...
was next! Project #4...
Layer items in the pretzel bag. Start with foil wrapped coins, then add skittles by grouped colors, tie and tag.
The younger girls loved putting these together!
Easter Bunny Seeds in a Can...
Project #5
The girls thought this idea was TOO cute!
Easter mini paint cans from Michael's, paper Easter grass,(* we used brown to let the "colored seeds" stand out), ribbon, tags and worded stickers.
We filled the cans with mini jelly beans and Easter grass, closed the lid and added a ribbon and a tag!
The Kids want to give these to their Teacher's for Easter!
We had a Crafty Day with Style...
The Kids want to give these to their Teacher's for Easter!
We had a Crafty Day with Style...

Our oldest granddaughter loves fashion, anything stylish and photography to name a few! While we were crafting she noticed the camera had been left on....AND this is what she saw! She said that was a NEAT picture cause you could see the reflection in the counter....
An "Abstract of Twine" by Cha-Cha @3/17/12
**All photo's belong to NeeCee at Pine Creek Style, unless otherwise stated.
What a fun weekend of crafting! Love all the crafts.
Thanks, we had lots of fun!
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