I love how this dining set turned out! Exactly how I had envisioned it! The colors are perfect for my Studio Office & little Kitchen...
The set was intended for our college girl, K-8....while she was visiting...she decided to take my Danish Table...(see here) instead....Soooo...of course Nana agreed!
This makeover was fairly quick,,,,I left the original paint the same. Just distressed and sanded....Adding the white wash paint to the table top. Sanded again and stained the whole set with dark walnut Old Masters Stain.
After the stain dried I applied one coat of clear spray and let dry...Then I decoupaged the copies of the Old Family recipes on the table. Here was the process for that:
1. Lay out the items you are decoupaging on the table top. Take a photo or use painters tape to mark the placements.
2. Apply a thin coat of Mod Podge the size of the recipe or page, one at a time. Carefully place the recipe paper on top of the Mod Podge paste, make sure there are no bubbles or wrinkles. Let dry! Repeat with all recipes until pattern is finished.
3. Next reply a thin coat of Mod Podge to the whole table top. Repeat 3-4 more times...make sure each coat dries completely in between coats.
4. For the final decoupage coat, I used a painting sponge and sponged over the whole table top...giving it a layered texture. Let dry completely.
5. To finish the table top apply 2 layers of clear coat, let dry between each coat. Lightly finish with a double 00 finishing pad, if needed.
Our Farm Table done with Style...

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