I found the wire lampshade at the local Good Samaritan...$1.00! And 2 sets of white full size sheets for another $2.00 each. I used the 4 pillow cases for the lampshade makeover. (Old Sheets are great for all kinds of projects!)
I simply cut the pillowcases at the seams, including the hemmed edges. That left me with two rectangles pieces per pillowcase. Turning the material lengthwise, I sniped the edges about every inch or so. After that, I tore each strip by hand, leaving the edges raw. Remove & discard any loose, long strings of thread. Tie the strips in a single knot version, onto the top and bottom wires. Adjust the knots in various spots on the lampshade, creating an irregular pattern. Repeat until Lampshade is complete. *See the photo below for examples.
Very easy and quick, with awesome results. NOW, I need to find a lamp! :)))
Be Creative with Style...

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